Eksportfinans First quarter 2008


Continued strong disbursement of export lending, results influenced by the situation in the international credit markets
New disbursements of export related lending was NOK 3.1 billion in the first quarter of 2008, compared to NOK 2.3 billion in the same period in 2007. The Norwegian maritime industry and the oil and gas sector were still experiencing high levels of activity throughout the first quarter 2008, and new disbursements of export related financing from Eksportfinans thus increased by 32.4 percent in comparison to the equivalent period in 2007. Lending from Eksportfinans’ subsidiary Kommunekreditt Norge AS remained stable, and total outstanding loans increased by 2 percent since year-end 2007.


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    Org.no: 816 521 432


    Dronning Mauds gate 15, access via Arbins gate
    0250 Oslo, Norway

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