The sustainability work in Eksportfinans is continuously developing, and consists of the following areas:
- Environmental Responsibility, focusing on energy consumption, waste disposal and consequences of climate change for the company and its business activities
- Social Responsibility, focusing on working conditions, human rights, diversity and equality, in addition to product responsibility
- Governance, focusing on compliance, business ethics, controls and guidelines.
The sustainability guidelines of the company are based on the Norwegian authorities’ understanding of the topic. Sustainability is the responsibility that Norwegian companies are expected to take on on behalf of the people, the society and the environment, which is affected by the activities of the company, beyond the requirements in laws and regulations.
Through the continuous work to follow up the board’s guidelines, the company shows that sustainability is taken seriously throughout the organization. Within the area of sustainability, guidelines are given related to the responsibilities for the company and its employees regarding
- Environment – to avoid harmful environmental impacts and to provide for sustainable development
- People – to respect human rights
- Working life – to secure good and decent working conditions
- Business integrity – to work against corruption, money laundering and terror financing, and to manage grey zones well
- Surroundings – to contribute in a positive way, both locally and globally
- Corporate governance
- Equality and prohibition of discrimination.
Eksportfinans complies with legal requirements, and aims to adjust its sustainability work to the size and current situation of the company.
As part of the company’s sustainability work, Eksportfinans is certified as an eco-lighthouse business, and was re-certified after a thorough process in 2021. The eco-lighthouse is Norway’s most widely used certificate for businesses that will document their environmental efforts and show corporate social responsibility. The certification means that Eksportfinans will continue its efforts to improve its performance in the areas of working environment, waste management, energy consumption, procurement and travel activities.
Eksportfinans has implemented reporting according to the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) for the lending portfolio and the portfolio of liquidity reserves. The report concludes that the climate risk in the portfolios is low.
The company's TCFD-report is available to the right.